Ménage a Trois - Things to consider first.

So a threesome? What are your first thoughts when you think about bringing someone else into your bedroom? Everyone at some point will have thought about this, in a positive or negative way, but it is one of the most common fantasy that both men and women have.

A threesome can bring untold joy to a relationship or wreak havoc on one, so boundaries and a common understanding must be discussed before entering into this type of sexual play. It is very normal for one party to be more up for it than the other and that’s ok as long as you have talked about it fully beforehand.

What are you going to do if one starts to feel uncomfortable and wants to stop? How will you ask the third party to leave? Is the third party going to be a male or female? Where is the threesome going to take place? Also where are you going to find someone to join you?

Using a professional is a great way to dip your toe in the magic world of threesomes, choosing someone who knows what they are doing and would not be offended if you change your mind and also is not out to make a deeper connection with either party.

The bedroom is yours and your partners domain so when thinking about trying a threesome you need to really consider the pro’s and the con’s. So lets do that now……


1. It will bring a spice to your love making.

2. Fulfils a fantasy

3. You will try harder and make more effort.

4. You will gain a deeper connection

5. Sensory discoveries of having an extra body to play with.

6. You can take a break and just become the voyeur.

7. Plenty of Wank Bank materials to keep just for you two to relive the moment.

8. You get to drop all inhibitions and be someone else for a time.

9. Your partner will be so turned on and love that you could try this together.


1. Jealousy could rear its ugly head causing hurt feelings

2. You might find yourself comparing your sexual prowess, body, your attractiveness.

3. You may feel resentful that a partner would even want to bring someone else in.

4. You may agree to a threesome to please your partner and then hate it.

5. You may start to think the grass is greener on the other side

6. You may invite infidelity into your relationship.

7. You may have opened a can of worms that you cannot put the lid back on.

8. Can amplify relationship flaws.

9. If the third person is someone you know it could ruin friendships.

We hope this will help in your decision over a ‘Ménage a Trois’, It really is not something to go into lightly and not as a quick bit of fun, there are many pitfalls that could spoil what should be an enlightening and broadening experience.

Delicious fantasising 

Adele & Anna